Celebrating Bruce’s 75th birthday

Buttarbrook Farm, Gores Landing, owned and operated by Bruce Year ‘69 and Cindy, was the fun location to celebrate Bruce’s 75th birthday.

Neighbours, relatives and Kemptville College Year ‘69 friends joined together for an afternoon of delicious food and great conversations.

Bruce’s 75th birthday

Back row left to right:

Fran and Gordon French, Alumni President, Kim Alumni Treasurer and Graham Link, David Guardhouse, Ellen Mooney, retired teacher and Liaison officer and Year ‘67 Grad, Bruce Mooney, Harry and Marion Shanlan.

Front row left to right:
Stephanie Hill, former Alumni President, Pauline Guardhouse, Bruce and Cindy Buttar.

Bruce Butter ’69 grad from Gores Landing, celebrated his 75th birthday with fellow classmates. Bruce and his wife Cindy are wearing personalized t-shirts of Bruce’s picture for the occasion.