Kemptville College Alumni Scholarships 2024

The Kemptville College Alumni recognizes two students who are in their second year, in an accredited college taking an Agricultural or Food related program.

Ethan Booker from Fournier, ON (Prescott County) has been awarded one of the $1,000.00 scholarships for 2024. He is presently completing his second year at Lakeland College in Alberta. Before heading to college, Ethan was involved with the farm’s beef cattle, different aspects of cover cropping the soil and no-till farming. In the community, he was involved with leadership work with primary children at Metropolitan Bible Church, Scouts Canada, and 4-H cooking and crop clubs led by Pat and Gordon Wilson. A highlight for Ethan when at Lakeland was to be on the Dean’s Honor Roll as he studied Crop Technology. He plans to return to farm alongside his parents, Allen and Margit Booker, on their grain and cattle family farm. As well as continuing cropping and expanding the grazing for their purebred beef cattle, there may even be some Boer goats on the Booker farm. Congratulations Ethan.

Jack Link from Winchester, ON ( Dundas County ) was also awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship. Jack is completing his second year at Lakeland College in Alberta. He is taking courses with an emphasis on Dairy Herd Management and Nutrition. Before college, Jack was a full-time milker, and he also helped with cropping. Earlier before the farm dispersal in 2017, Jack worked alongside his parents, Murray and Lori Link, and his grandparents on the family farm. Jack volunteered at county fairs and Dairyfest. He competed at provincial championships in running and curling. A highlight for Jack while at Lakeland, was to be the Nutrition Coordinator of the Student Managed Dairy Farm. Upon graduation, he plans to work on a dairy farm and create a succession plan to have his own dairy farm in Eastern Ontario. Congratulations Jack.

At the end of September, the new Scholarship for 2025 will be on our webpage under Scholarships.