March Spotlight

My Pride Holsteins – Mike Visser – 2002 Grad

“When you love Holsteins and want to own your own farm you have to “think outside the box “ to make that dream come true.”This is a direct quote from Mike Visser, owner of My Pride Holsteins, given to Bonnie Cooper when she wrote an article for The Link Winter 2024 – Holstein Ontario.

Mike is a 2002 agricultural grad from Kemptville College. He is originally from Owen Sound and did not grow up on a farm. 4-H played a large part in his love of cattle. After graduation, Mike worked on the farm with his grandparents and his uncles. He started buying his own cattle and building My Pride Holsteins. When he realized he would not own a farm in Southern Ontario, he made a major life change. In 2012 he moved to Thunder Bay in Northwestern Ontario. He had a connection with Thunder Bay since when he worked for Foundation Sires, he would travel there to sell semen. College classmates also lived in Thunder Bay. Trudy (Aalbers ) Reid , Jason Reid, Johan Huisman, Joel Veurink and Ryan Jaspers ‘03 are all involved in agriculture there. Mike had been thinking about the veal industry and rented a farm so he could raise veal calves. In 2013 he started his sale of veal and in 2015 he purchased his own 30 acre farm. His first year, he sold veal from 15 calves and now he markets over 100 animals a year. His sales are in “red” veal since his animals are fed milk and corn. The picture below shows Mike at the local “County Market “ where he also sells pepperettes, breakfast sausages and pre- made hamburgers. His 20 My Pride Holsteins provide the milk needed for the calves.                             


In 2016, his veal business received the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence. Moving to Thunder Bay gave Mike the opportunity to own his own farm. He has friends and a community that supports him. Fairs in the area benefit from seeing him show his home bred animals with high classifications. Mike is also able to give back to his community by sponsoring the youth prizes at the Thunder Bay Show. Remembering his 4-H days, he also helps sponsor the 4-H team that shows at the Royal each year. It is nice to see a Kemptville grad achieve his goal and give back to his community. Congratulations Mike!                                          

The complete article, which includes the info on the records of My Pride Holsteins can be found at:

This is the Winter 2024 edition. Enjoy pages 32-34. Thank you Bonnie Cooper and Martina Arth for your co-operation.