Order Of Canada Recipient 2024 – Ken Knox ‘67

On Feb 22, 2024, Governor General Mary Simon invested 61 recipients into the Order of Canada at Rideau Hall. There are three levels of appointments. Ken Knox was inducted as a member which allows him to use C.M. after his name. The Order of Canada was established in 1967 – the year that Ken graduated from Kemptville College. The Order of Canada is how our country honours nominated people who make extraordinary contributions to the nation.

Ken Knox

You may view the ceremony by entering the Order of Canada Investiture Ceremony – February 22, 2024. On YouTube, you will see Ken at 1:02.38 and hear his presentation. You can also view, in writing, why he was presented the order on the listing below the YouTube video.

Congratulations Ken. The Kemptville College Alumni Board is proud to see you get this award.