Weeberlac Holsteins Wins Master Breeder Shield


Tim and Diane Groniger , daughter Olivia, and their son Scott and his wife Kristin are one of the newest recipients of the Master Breeder Shield. Scott graduated from Kemptville College in 2009 and returned home to farm with his parents at Weeberlac Holsteins in Carlsbad Springs. Tim credited his son for the final push to the shield. “ I started the base, he finished her,” said Tim. Congratulations to the Groniger family who will receive their shield at the Holstein Convention , Charlottetown PEI, in April.

Picture credit: Farmers Forum, January 2019  Vol.28 No 1.  https://farmersforum.com

Kemptville Grad Heads to Provincial Winter Games

Recent winner of District 8 Prediction Skating , held recently in Cornwall, is Stephanie Hill-Nicholls ’69 ( pictured in the center). The OSGA Provincial Winter Games will be held in Huntsville on March 5 – 7, 2019.  Stephanie will be competing in the Alpine Skiing Competition for 65+.


We wish her the best of luck.

Taking Pride in our Roots

On August 26th, Peterborough County – a full crowd was present for presentations of four post-humous and current agricultural hall of fame inductions. Read the article by Valerie Macdonald below.




Showmanship Rewarded by Alumni

Kim Link presented the award on behalf on the Kemptville Alumni Association for Top Intermediate Showman at the Metcalfe Fair to Katie Babcock from Frontenac.


Congratulations on the payoff of your hard work Katie!