
Kemptville Grads are Great Leaders

Recently, Pat Wilson ’66 grad, was awarded a certificate for 35 years leading 4-H clubs. Valerie Allen (left) is presenting the certificate and gift to Pat (right).

Pat Wilson '66 grad, was awarded a certificate for 35 years leading 4-H clubs. Valerie Allen ( left) is presenting the certificate and gift to Pat ( right).

Pat leads life-skills clubs in sewing and food preparation. She will still continue to help with clubs in Prescott County. Pat is also a judge for homecraft and culinary competitions at annual agricultural fairs throughout Eastern Ontario. She has been doing this for 45 years. The Wilson family has Kemptville connections as well as 4-H leadership skills. Pat’s late husband, Murray graduated in ’66 and lead 4-H maple syrup clubs. Their son Gordon and his wife Inge ( Bauer ) graduated in ’95 and have both been involved in 4-H. A true community leader and family!

Eastern Ontario Western Quebec 4-H Regional Show – Metcalfe

Gordon French, the Kemptville College Alumni President, presented the Kemptville College Alumni Champion Intermediate Showmanship Award to Adelia Bretzler. Her sister Myla came in second. 

Adelia went on to become Honourable Mention Grand Champion Showperson.

Both girls have a proud Kemptville College connection with mom, Harrietta graduating in 2003 and dad Frank, graduating in 1995. The Bretzler family live in Crysler, Stormont County.

Photo by Nelson Zanbergen
Photo by Nelson Zanbergen

News Flash

mega phone

Alumni Reunion 2025

August 16, 2025

Unfortunately, the previously announced date of June 21, 2025, will not happen.

Due to an error, the date was already booked when the reunion was confirmed. 

This was drawn to the Board’s attention in mid-September 2024.

To facilitate a reunion in 2025, the Board voted for August 16, 2025.

The Board regrets any inconvenience or confusion this earlier release date may have caused.

Thank you,
Gordon French
Alumni President

Reunion 2024

The rain held off and the people came.

Pictures below show many grads visiting the Historical Building and catching up with fellow grads.

The annual meeting was well attended. Ron Burgess and Kim Link were presented with the Big Cookie Award by Ken Witt. This was for all their outstanding work on the historical building and registration.

Cookie Award

The lunch was well attended. Hugh Sharpe ’49 grad, attended with his daughter and son-in-law. He was awarded a dinner ticket prize for being the oldest grad at lunch.

Hugh Sharpe ’49 grad

The evening dinner had beautiful table décor to mark their year. These were designed by board member, Cindy Dawson. They had the Kemptville crest on back and front and Class of on the front.


Mel and Joce Shannon were the ticket takers and 67 deposited tickets for lunch and 144 dropped in their dinner tickets. The delicious meals were served by the Lombardy Agricultural Fair Board volunteers.

Lombardy Agricultural Fair Board volunteers
Mel and Joyce

Our dinner had some two new events.

1. We honoured the grad who had travelled the farthest to attend the reunion. It was Ken Witt ’64 grad and his wife Mandy who travelled from Chilliwack BC. They were also celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations!

Ken and Mandy

2. Our Reunion had a 50/50 draw this year to help raise money for the event. Cindy, David and Rachael are shown hard at work in the picture below. The draw raised $910 and $455 was won by Joe Allison , who graciously donated the money back to the alumni. Thank you.

Cindy, David, and Rachael

A silent and live auction also took place after dinner. If you check out Kemptville College Alumni Facebook, you will see the pictures of the generous donations. The money from the silent auction of $848 and from the live auction of $1561.50 will benefit our Scholarship Fund. The Spirit Award was won by ’69 – they usually win every 5 years! Our President, Gordon French was MC and Greg Foster said the blessing.

Thank you to those who attended this year and we hope to see grads next year. Stay tuned for news at a later date.

The date for our 2025 reunion will be August 16th, 2025.

Summer Spotlight – The Thurston Family

The Thurston family have and continue to make an outstanding contribution to agriculture in the city of Kawartha Lakes and beyond. This family proudly has three Kemptville College grads. Keith and Sandy graduated in 1970 and their son Jeff, graduated in 1998. In 2023 they were the recipients of the “Kawartha Lakes Agriculture Farm Family Award”.

Kawartha Lakes Agriculture Farm Family Award

Their accomplishments and contributions have included 4-H leadership, Interprovincial exchanges and hosting international students. They have been and continue to be active members of many county organizations – Soil & Crop, milk committees. Holstein Club and many more. They also find time to support and coach youth sports and are active members in their church.

Following graduation in 1970, Keith worked as a Federal Meat Inspector in Toronto and GTA. After a couple of years, he realized he wasn’t cut out to be a city lad, at which time he returned home and formed a partnership with his parents at Thursthill Farms. This year 2024 was a special year for Keith. In the fall of 1972, he became a Pioneer Hi Bred Ltd. Sales Representative. This was a sideline to their dairy and cash crop farm. Fifty years later this is now a full-time business with his son Jeff as manager. Pioneer honoured Keith for his service this year. When Keith was asked for a Pioneer Award picture, the shy lad he is, we were sent the picture below.

Sandra ( Miller ) is a farm girl from Renfrew in the Ottawa Valley area. She met Keith at Kemptville. Following graduation, she went to Toronto to work with Versa Foods. She then worked as a Food Supervisor at Glendon College ( York University ). Sandra then transferred to Port Hope Hospital which coincided with married life to Keith at Thursthill Farms.

She eventually became a full-time stay-at-home mom to Jeff, Jeremy and Jessica and also full-time farmer’s wife. Sandy’s outside interests include Women’s Institute, 4-H and church.

This is now a 6th generation farm with Jeff and his wife Nicole and family becoming part of the transitional generation. The dairy operation has moved from tie stall to free stall and now robots. Keith and Jeff are still active in Pioneer sales. Keith and Sandy are also still involved with farm activities as well as being active with their nine grandchildren.

Jeff, Nicole, Sandy and Keith (Left to Right)
Jeff, Nicole, Sandy, and Keith (Left to Right)

Congratulations on a successful road travelled by Kemptville College grads!